An Independent Shopping Site By Collectors & FOR Collectors
As doll collecting inevitably evolved, collectors themselves also changed. Many collectors have moved into new directions, and are now faced with unwanted items, in new homes, or minimal to no storage. Others have sadly passed away, leaving their families with cluttered estates, clueless as to what they have inherited. The linked pages on this site are collections, either personal or from estates. Please do not contact me directly, as I have no idea on availability, condition or shipping. I also have no interest, liability or ownership to these collections, only offering these people a personal site for selling visibility.ββ
Dolls, Props, Sparkles and Outfits are all looking for new homes! All Doll Companies and styles are represented, as well as outfits from highly talented seamstresses, and designers. Beautiful one of a kind or limited couture concepts. Many of these pages have treasures from original and high-end collectors, grails, and hard to find items, as well as sample and one of a kind items, that never made it into retail production.β
Please refer to individual "store" links, which are managed by the seller directly. Use their email for questions, availability, payment information or updates.β
Should you be interested in a link spot, and page to sell, Please contact me via my email, located on the menu link. Thank You